Market Intelligence
Use Feedly’s Partnerships machine learning model to easily track articles mentioning partnership announcements
Tracking new partnerships is an essential part of Market Intelligence
That’s why we’ve added Partnerships to the list of strategic moves Feedly’s AI engine understands.
Now, with this new machine learning model, your team can:
Track new collaborations and innovations in your industrySpot new business development opportunities Keep a closer eye on your competition
Start 30-day free trial
Curious how it works? Here is a quick tour:
Example: Partnerships related to Biopharma Industry
A machine learning model that flags articles mentioning a partnership announcement between multiple companies
Popular partnership use cases
Quickly identify partnership-related sentences
Speed up your market intelligence researchPartnerships is one of the machine learning models included in Feedly for Market Intelligence. Start a free 30-day trial to see how Feedly can help you speed up your market intelligence.Start 30-day free trial
Source: Internet Gov forum